Thousands of Years Old - One of the Best Single Overall Body Exercises Known to Man

People are constantly in pursuit of new and unique ways to add some variety to their workouts. Each week there seems to be a new product on the market or someone hyping the latest craze in fitness. Sometimes you just have to look to the past and take advantage of century old traditions
History has revealed through archaeological digs, pottery, and paintings that for thousands of years many different cultures have participated in this as a form of entertainment, particularly for younger children. Many of them utilized slightly different objects, but all held the same common theme: Rope Jumping
If you're tempted to stop reading because you think that jumping rope is for little girls and you're too macho for that, think again. The routine recommended below was designed for full-contact martial arts fighters, hardly the little girl in pigtails skipping down the sidewalk. If you're able to complete the workout below at a pace of at least 145 rotations per minute for 30 minutes, then I guarantee you will have a new respect for jumping rope
By the way, weren't kids much healthier back in the day when their recreation included exercise focused activities like jumping rope instead of sitting on a couch watching TV or playing video games? That's a subject for another day though. If I go down that rabbit trail in this article we might never get back to the jump rope workout

The benefits of jumping rope are pretty much unparalleled by any other form of exercise. It is considered by many to be the best overall workout that there is. In addition to being one of the best calorie burners, it is incredibly versatile and efficient.

List of Advantages:
Full body workout
Go at your own pace
Limited equipment (just a rope - you can actually jump without one)
Equipment can travel with you
Takes minimal space
Can be done inside or outside
Only takes a few minutes
Can be done in groups
Low impact
Unending possibilities to be creative with your routine
Extremely challenging
Develops coordination
Improves stability and balance
Improves strength
Improves cardio

The very first point mentioned as an advantage is also one of the most important. As a full body workout, almost every muscle group in the body is utilized when jumping rope: calves, thighs, stomach, and glutes (or as Christian Fitness calls it - the back pocket) are all worked from jumping. Your back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps and forearms are involved in rotating the rope. You can also dictate how much of an upper body workout you will get depending on the type and weight of the rope and handles that you use.

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